Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fun and Games

The two most popular play items in this classroom.

Fun car rug that the boys gravitate to. Here's how their car play has evolved in only 3 days...
Day One: Cars are lined up nicely in parking lots and driven carefully on roads
Day Two: Boys sprawled across carpet racing cars all over the rug
Day Three: Cars amazingly begin to jump and fly around the general vicinity of rug. Cruel teacher puts an end to airborne vehicles.

On the flip side, the girls adore these Wal-Mart bought puppets. The dolly puppets have taken on a whole life of their own. Each time I walked by to sneak a peak at the little girls playing, the pretend play would abruptly cease. However, I did overhear that the dolly on the left is Hannah Montana....GREAT!

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