Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Creative Time

The Husband is at the first playoff hockey game of the season and felt a little bad for leaving me at home. However, there is nothing better than quiet creative time at home.

Over the last couple of weeks, some of us at school have been working on a Circle Scrapbook Project. Each of us picked a theme, created some sort of mini book for it, decorated the cover page and then passed it off for the rest of the ladies to scrap in. The idea is that we pass the book around in a circle, each person getting it for one week, and when all is said and done all our unique crafting styles will be displayed.

I am loving being forced to be creative every week whether I feel like it or not.

1 comment:

Ange of the North said...

Very cute LO! Leila looks lovely! (did you have enough paper???)