Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Five

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...the teachers are dancing, the parents are crying...the students are done....It's the Most Wonderful Time of the YEAR!
[sung to the tune of the said song]

Today was the student's last day!
Many brought parting gifts.
I categorized them into 5 groups...

1. Themey Teacher STUFF

2. Flowers and Potted Plants

3. Chocolate

4. Smelley STUFF...hand cream, soap, bath stuff, candles

5. My personal cards!
One very brilliant parent gave me a Michael's gift card. I LOVE IT!

...Oh and there probably could be a sixth category, Obvious know, the stuff the children (or parents) find around the house. Those are the funniest...hotel sized shampoos, a Happy Meal toy, coins...

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