Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Oh Canada!

Happy Canada Day
What a busy and crazy day it was today. Our church hosted our 4th annual Canada Day Celebration at the park next to our building. The whole affair is an outreach and a service provided to the surrounding community and is much like a carnival. Each Bible study group is in charge of a game booth and everything is free including hot dogs, Starbucks coffee, prizes, popsicles, pony rides, bouncy castles, facepaint, etc. The Husband and I were manning the prize booth where children come to redeem their tickets from game play. Many of the families and kids are very grateful and appreciative of what the church does in the community...but there are few that make the teacher in me just want to scream. I actually think they put the both of us in charge of the prize tent because we're the only ones who have no problem saying NO to the demands of little 5 year olds and their parents. You will not believe the number of parents and children who tried to scam me for extra free prizes.
Good Golly Miss Molly!

Having said that.. all in all, it really is a great way for the community to become acquainted with the local church.

Fin, The Canucks Mascot came to visit

Fin traumatized poor Leila

Leila sat in my chair for over 4 hours while I attended to the hundereds of children (literally...we estimated over 3000 people came out to the event) who came through our prize booth.

The neighbourhood fire station sent a truck out and they set up their tall ladder and sprayed water on the delighted children.

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